The Watchtower has thoroughly corrupted the gospel of salvation by grace through faith in Christ. Because the Bible says a lot about it, they must give lip service to it, but only lip service is given. There is no practice of it whatsoever. Instead there is emphasis on their relationship to the Organization.

Their practice is one of salvation by works: door-to-door works, the attendance at meetings works,  and especially the ‘good works’ of how they treat the leaders of the Watchtower.

Where has the Watchtower demanded such devotion to its leaders? Was it a one-time demand and obscure? No. Their literature is replete with examples. Here are some of them. Ask the Jehovah’s Witnesses you meet to explain them.

“As long, then, as the anointed members of the royal priesthood, meaning the anointed remnant of the royal priesthood, live on the earth and continue to preach ‘this gospel of the kingdom,’ the Jonadab company must keep in company and in harmony with Jehovah’s anointed and aid them in their work; otherwise the great Avenger will overtake them” (Riches, page 128, 1st Edition –

He speaks of these sheep as righteous. Not that they are at present justified by God for their faith to be acceptable for sacrifice with Christ in his death; but that they, in faith, have taken the right attitude toward Jehovah’s King and have acted right toward the King’s brothers and have joined with them in keeping God’s righteous commandments” (This Means Everlasting Life, page 242 – 1950).

“The other sheep come to the help of these, not for just indiscriminate charitable, humanitarian reasons, but because they are the Kings ambassadors and preach the good news of everlasting life by God’s kingdom. In this way they do their good deeds indirectly to the King. This is the basis upon which the King’s favorable judgment rests” (Ibid. page 243).

“Your attitude toward the wheatlike anointed ‘brothers’ of Christ and the treatment you accord them will be the determining factor as to whether you go into ‘everlasting cutting-off’ or receive ‘everlasting life'” (Watchtower, August 1, 1981, page 26).

The Jehonadab ‘sheep’ are gathered to the right hand of the King Jesus Christ, because of the loving way in which they treat the anointed remnant of Christ’s brothers” (Let Your Name Be Sanctified, page 358 – 1961).

“The King judges people according to their response to his ‘brothers’ and the Kingdom message they proclaim” (Let Your Kingdom Come, page 154 – 1981).

“Why are these sheeplike ones invited to ‘inherit the kingdom prepared for [them] from the founding of the world? The King tells them that it is because they did good to his ‘brothers’ and thereby did it to him. By the expression ‘brothers’, the King means the remnant of his spiritual brothers still on earth in this conclusion of the system of things” (Watchtower, September 1, 1989, page20).

“The goats as well as the sheep work out their destiny by the way in which they treat the remnant of the King’s brothers, the remnant of the 144,000 spiritual Israelites. The reason why one’s treatment of the remnant determines one’s destiny is that the remnant have been anointed with Jehovah’s spirit in these last days and are in line for a place on the heavenly throne with the King. Mistreatment of the remnant brings the greatest punishment, for it is an overt assault against the kingdom” (You May Survive Armageddon Into God’s New World, page 190, 1955 edition).

By David Henke