Jehovah’s Witnesses

The doctrine of Jehovah’s Witnesses has nothing, not a single doctrine of importance, in agreement with the historic Christian faith. Christians should understand this when speaking with a Jehovah’s Witness. Many terms Christians use are also used by the Witnesses, but the definition they have is very different.

Firstborn of All Creation

Firstborn of All Creation

“Who is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of every creature.” (Colossians 1:15) Colossians 1 is an exposition of the Person and Work of Christ. It is in truth a demonstration of His deity and saving sufficiency.

A Doctrine Quiz: The Trinity

A Doctrine Quiz: The Trinity

How well do Christians understand Christian doctrine? Those of us who minister to cults often have cult members tell us what they have been told about Christian doctrine by other Christians.

Should We Worship Jesus?

Should We Worship Jesus?

”And again, when he bringeth in the firstbegotten into the world, he saith, And let all the angels of God worship him” (Hebrews 1:6). To Christians this clear statement from Hebrews answers the question rather decisively.



The Jehovah’s Witness organization is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WT).  They maintain that God has only one organization on earth today, and they are it. 

Beth Sarim – Home of the Prophets?

Beth Sarim – Home of the Prophets?

In anticipation of the soon to be resurrected biblical prophets and patriarchs, Joseph Rutherford, president of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society commissioned the construction of a house in San Diego, California.

Jehovah’s Witnesses: Is Jesus Christ Your Mediator

Jehovah’s Witnesses: Is Jesus Christ Your Mediator

The teachings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society regarding the mediatorship of Christ are radically at odds with the Bible. And surprising as it may be to many Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watchtower's teachings, if true, leave virtually all living Jehovah's...

The Watchtower Replaces Israel

The Watchtower Replaces Israel

"And I will establish My covenant between Me and you [Abram] and your descendants after you throughout their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and to your descendants after you. And I will give to you and to your descendants after you, the land...

Watchtower Dishonesty

Watchtower Dishonesty

Has the Watchtower Society purposefully misquoted people in defense of their views? “Accuracy of Statement. Jehovah’s Witnesses are an organization of truth. We should want to speak the truth and be absolutely accurate in every detail at all times. This should be so...

The Slave Master

The Slave Master

Scripture tells us not to be in bondage to men (2 Peter 2:15-19, Galatians 5:1). Can Jehovah’s Witnesses publicly disagree with the Watchtower Society?

Presumptuous Prophets

Presumptuous Prophets

The Watchtower Society leaders like to have it both ways. When they want Jehovah’s Witnesses to believe them without question and obey instantly, they claim to be the only trustworthy spokesman for God.

Define Your Terms

Define Your Terms

When a Christian talks about his faith with a Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness it is very important to define one’s terms. Otherwise it will be quite possible for the Christian to conclude that a Mormon or a Witness believes a lot of the same things we believe.

Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Dating Game

Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Dating Game

The Watchtower Society has for its entire history been preoccupied with prophecy and Armageddon. That is the result of the attraction to end time scenarios by the founder, Charles Taze Russell.

Commenting on the Text – 1 John 5:7

Commenting on the Text – 1 John 5:7

The New Testament from 26 Translations says in a footnote about this verse, “The words between ‘bear record’ (verse 7) and ‘the spirit’ (verse 8) are now recognized as not adequately supported by original manuscripts.”