As a philosophical and theological system based on direct experience with the divine, Theosophy teaches that it is the universal thread running throughout all religions, binding them together.
Christian discernment and apologetics ministry with a mission to educate, equip, and evangelize
Watchman Fellowship
Watchman Fellowship is an independent Christian research and apologetics ministry focusing on new religious movements, cults, the occult and the New Age.
We serve the Christian and secular community as a resource for education, counseling, and non-coercive intervention and evangelism training.
As Christians, we believe that “we are our brother’s keeper.” Like the watchman on the wall (Ezekiel 3:17), we have the responsibility to sound a warning against the deception and destructive spiritual abuse practiced by counterfeit groups. In sounding such warning Watchman Fellowship also has a principled commitment to accuracy.
The ministry was founded by David Henke in Columbus, Georgia in 1979. He remains Chairman of the Board and manages the Georgia office. Watchman Fellowship’s home office is in Texas and we also have an office in Pennsylvania.
Often confused with the Watchtower Society title used by the Jehovah’s Witnesses, we are in no way affiliated with them. Our name is taken from the Old Testament book of the Bible, Ezekiel.
“Now as for you, son of man, I have appointed you a watchman for the house of Israel; so you will hear a message from My mouth, and give them warning from Me.” (Ezekiel 33:7)
Recent Posts & Articles
As a philosophical and theological system based on direct experience with the divine, Theosophy teaches that it is the universal thread running throughout all religions, binding them together.
Apostle Orson Pratt probably rolled over in his grave when he heard of an article in the Mormon Church News about “free agency.”
The teachings of the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society regarding the mediatorship of Christ are radically at odds with the Bible. And surprising as it may be to many Jehovah's Witnesses, the Watchtower's teachings, if true, leave virtually all living Jehovah's...
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The apostle accurately observed the spread of heresy in the first–century church, and his warning that false teachers would continue to arise can easily be seen in the growth of cults and pseudo–Christian religions in our time.
Has the Watchtower Society purposefully misquoted people in defense of their views? “Accuracy of Statement. Jehovah’s Witnesses are an organization of truth. We should want to speak the truth and be absolutely accurate in every detail at all times. This should be so...