Brigham Young said that “no man or woman in this dispensation will ever enter into the celestial kingdom of God without the consent of Joseph Smith” (Journal of Discourses, Vol. 7, page 289). During December of 2005 Mormons celebrated the 200th birthday of their savior-prophet, who was born in Sharon, Vermont. Joseph was one of eleven children. In 1816 the Smith family moved to Palmyra, NY where Joseph later had his alleged visions. Mormons have historically viewed Smith as an untouchable saint and would become defensive about the many criticisms of his character. Today Mormon intellectuals are becoming more realistic about his character. However, they will use his human failings to show how much he was like us. Nonsense. His character failings were at the root of his religious ideas.

During that same month of December Christians celebrated the 2000th birthday of their Savior. The grave of Joseph Smith in Nauvoo, IL is occupied. The grave of Jesus is not occupied. Which savior would you choose?