Could it be that the cults are providing something vital to human beings that Christianity cannot provide?
Could it be that the cults are providing something vital to human beings that Christianity cannot provide?
For Jehovah’s Witnesses, salvation requires a complicated combination of right belief and right action.
We must understand what they mean when Mormons talk of being saved. At the same time we must understand what Christians mean by salvation. When we compare the two, we will see vast differences.
The heavens certainly declare the glory of God as both Paul and the Psalmist say (19:1), but what else can we learn about God through His creation?
Who has gone to see the current movie, Noah, in theaters today?
We as humans are susceptible to fear of many things. Fear can take possession of our minds, creating bondage…
Today the Witnesses would have everyone believe that Jesus died not on a cross but rather on a torture stake.
If He died and stayed dead it would not be important. The fact that Jesus was raised makes this of FIRST IMPORTANCE.
…If you loved me, you would rejoice, because I said, I go unto the Father: for my Father is greater than I.” John 14:28b