As I was talking to an older Jehovah’s Witness couple, the wife asked me to ask her if she wanted to go to heaven. She said this a number of times, so I asked her, “Do you want to go to heaven?
As I was talking to an older Jehovah’s Witness couple, the wife asked me to ask her if she wanted to go to heaven. She said this a number of times, so I asked her, “Do you want to go to heaven?
The Watchtower Society leaders like to have it both ways. When they want Jehovah’s Witnesses to believe them without question and obey instantly, they claim to be the only trustworthy spokesman for God.
When a Christian talks about his faith with a Mormon or Jehovah’s Witness it is very important to define one’s terms. Otherwise it will be quite possible for the Christian to conclude that a Mormon or a Witness believes a lot of the same things we believe.
The Watchtower Society has for its entire history been preoccupied with prophecy and Armageddon. That is the result of the attraction to end time scenarios by the founder, Charles Taze Russell.
The scriptures and Trinitarian doctrine recognizes the divine equality of the Holy Spirit with the Father and Son.
Among the “boring” parts of the Bible are the genealogies. Adam begat, etc., etc… We tend to read through them quickly to get to the stories, the action scenes.
The New Testament from 26 Translations says in a footnote about this verse, “The words between ‘bear record’ (verse 7) and ‘the spirit’ (verse 8) are now recognized as not adequately supported by original manuscripts.”
Dynamic Monarchianism – This heresy teaches that Jesus is not God but a special man who became…
In Evangelical Christian circles there is an assumption, a given, that God must judge America for her sin, and soon. Billy Graham expressed this best when he said, “If God does not judge America He will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.”