If you have not experienced spiritual abuse personally thank God for it. You probably wonder how people get caught in something so obviously bad for them.
If you have not experienced spiritual abuse personally thank God for it. You probably wonder how people get caught in something so obviously bad for them.
Doomsday is scheduled to happen on December 21, 2012. At least that is the expectation of New Agers and occultists who see the end of the thirteenth baktun of the Mayan long count calendar on that date as signaling the end of “the world as we know it” (teotwawki).
What if you lived in a country where your Christian faith was held by less than 5% of the population? How would that affect your methods of evangelism?
“A dead thing can go with the stream, but only a living thing can go against it.” G.K.Chesterton
Jehovah’s Witnesses in their denial of the deity of Christ will invariably resort to one of four proof texts in their effort to deny Jesus’ deity.
My name is Jennifer and the Lord set my mother and I free on October 7, 2007. My mother and I were in a cult for 10 years. This is my story…
Marcion, born in Pontus about 100 AD was one of the more significant of the Gnostic heretics. The impact of his teachings and movement are largely unknown today.
Most of the earliest heresies in Christianity originated from the Gnostic influence on the Church that was so prevalent at the time.
The Jehovah’s Witness organization is the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society (WT). They maintain that God has only one organization on earth today, and they are it.