It is unwarranted to expect that sufficient protection is being provided to your family by the church, or pastor.
It is unwarranted to expect that sufficient protection is being provided to your family by the church, or pastor.
Do the Bible and modern psychology agree or disagree about the source of behavioral changes?
In the New Testament we find the clear teaching of one God. (1 Timothy 2:5). At the same time we are told the Father is God (Romans 1:7), the Son is God (John 20:28), and the Holy Spirit is God (Acts 5:3,4). The New Testament writers do not give a systematic...
There is a Christian song that says, “Every promise in the Book is mine.” Is that true?
Lifton’s Criteria Milieu Control - the control of the environment including information, associations, time, and energy work to exclude any opportunity for opposition while also promoting the ‘party line’. Mystical Manipulation - this is the ‘higher calling’ for the...
Any emotionally traumatic experience can create a vulnerability to deception.
Many who have grown up with a Christian background will know the name Watchman Nee.
Spiritual abuse is the injury of another person’s spiritual health.
How should we as Christians respond to those who differ with us?